Classical Guitar

Jazz Guitar

Bass Guitar

Flamenco Guitar

Maurice Arenas Music

Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitar

Laurie Arenas - Piano & Voice Instructor

With Over 100+ Years Of ​​​Combined Teaching Experience For All Levels, Ages And Styles

Artist News -

The studio is very happy to announce Maurice's wife, Laurie Arenas, as a new instructor for Piano and Voice. Laurie has an extensive background in music and is a wonderful and talented instructor and musician.

Maurice is very happy to announce that is an LSL Instruments Artist. He is also happy to have contributed in the development of LSL Guitar Pedals and other LSL Products.

Maurice has new music on Spotify, Apple iTunes and all other platforms, all links to recent releases are below for audio play via YouTube. Maurice has music with guest artists like Oz Noy, David Grissom, Joe Pinnavaia, Dave Weckyl, jimmy Haslip, Clifford Carter, Tony Garnier, Juampy Juarez, 6058 and more!

Maurice's song tribute (with special guests Oz Noy and David Grissom) "Voodoo Child" will soon be released in a martial arts film, be sure to keep out an eye for it. 

Maurice's song (with special guests Oz Noy and David Grissom) "Poolshark Hustle" won an award for one of the top 5 best baselines of the year. thanks to Jimmy Haslip (Robben Ford, Allan Holdsworth) for sticking true to the bass line Maurice intended but adding his special magic to it.

Maurice is officially endorsing Clayton Picks. He uses a variety of shapes and types and is happy to be a Clayton Artist. 

Maurice Is officially endorsing Matero Fx Brand. He will also be doing video demos for the products on their social media.

Maurice is officially now part of the Benedetto Guitars jazz guitar family, Maurice is using his Benedetto on upcoming singles and new courses. 

Maurice is happy to be part of the Rivera Amp family, he loved using his Rivera amp for his track "Spanish Harlem" with Oz Noy.

Maurice is happy to be part of the GHS String Family. Maurice loves using GHS Boomers in many different gauges.

Maurice Arenas Guitar Academy is now on Facebook, be sure to like and follow us for new and upcoming events.

Maurice Arenas is happy to announce his new TrueFire course on sweep picking and hybrid picking is out and on sale at TrueFire. Be sure to download it.

Maurice Arenas is proud to announce he is currently a member of the Lunastone family and is happily endorsing Lunastone Pedals. Maurice is a huge fan of the True Overdrive 1 and 2 pedals.

Maurice Arenas has done 4 duo jazz videos with fellow TrueFire Instructor and Berklee Co-Chair Sheryl Bailey. The first of the four duo videos is above called "All The Things You Are". Be sure to subscribe to Maurice Arenas YouTube Channel for future music and instructional videos.


Maurice is a featured artist on Bedell Guitars website, be sure to check out his artist profile and all current artist acoustic news at Bedell Guitars.

Maurice is now endorsing Chemistry Design Werks products. They have an innovative pedalboard and case called the "Holeyboard" which is absolutely something you need for the road and for the studio!

Maurice Arenas Now Offers Guitar Lessons on Zoom, FaceTime and Skype
Go to the Contact Page for more info :)

Maurice Arenas Guitar academy 204A West Patrick Street 

Frederick, Maryland  21701

Matt Rossa (Exist) - Happily Ever After Solo

MMC Rock Fusion Course

Matt Rossa - Artist Instructor

Country / Bluegrass Guitar

TrueFire Improvisation Course

Sample videos of our professional instructors

Blues Guitar

​​-Frederick News Post - Frederick, Maryland

"The sound of pure magic!"

​​​​​Maurice Arenas

Guitar Academy